Our mission is to encourage, to bring hope, to unite our church body by weaving a common thread through our faith community in Christ with our stories, prayers and praises.

The Editor’s Patch

Kathryn Burling

Bird with Nesting Material

“En primavera, habra brotes nuevos donde plantamos semillas.”

Spring 2020—we all remember THAT spring. We’ve lived through change in so many ways since then. Many of us had to decide how to re-order our days with the closing down of daily life; our schools, businesses, churches, and more. A prominent memory of mine was a decision to spend a portion of that “extra” time learning Spanish with Duolingo. So, while some may be trying to figure out the meaning of the Spanish sentence above — I’ll spare you the effort with the translation:

“In spring there will be new buds where we planted seeds.”

Where there has been “nothing” — there is now “something.” What have you planted over these last colder months of 2023 that will bud and bloom during this current spring season? Is it of value? Does it carry meaning? Is it helpful in some way to someone? Time is of great value — make the best use of it. Plant well, and watch the buds appear and blossom with vibrant new life. — By God’s grace — be a blessing and be blessed this spring!

Our squares in this spring issue of Common Threads, encourage us to nest, but also to take flight, to grab hold and walk through open doors. Now that we have moved beyond the closed doors of 2020, look for ways to grow, to fly high, to reach others with the love of Christ. Be inspired as you read each patch of our Spring 2023 issue of Common Threads. Open the Our Stories and get to know more about our new Ukrainian family, the Zablotskis; Roman, Yuliia and little Melaniia. Pastor Rick, in the Pastor’s Note, describes the Crates for Ukraine project, and the amazing outcome because of our congregation’s efforts in support of this project. In our Devotional, we learn about a newborn baby and the blessings and joy she gives her dad and mom.  Special Features, might surprise you with the spring recipe—Pasta Primavera, “Spring Pasta”! See the newsletters from our friends in Turkey who report on the earthquake devastation in our Missions patch, and how we can continue to pray and assist in the relief effort. Hope is still alive in the midst of the rebuilding.

Golly—immerse yourselves into our church family life as you learn from and enjoy each patch of the Spring 2023 Common Threads! Go ahead—email the newsletter to others who might benefit! Sharing good news is always beneficial.

Song of Solomon 2:12 – “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”



Comments to the Editor…

"Common Threads is awesome! I so enjoy reading through all the little squares and learning more about our church family! So -- kudos and Alleluias to the Common Threads Staff." -Nancy McGuire

"Thank you and your team for doing such a great job on Common Threads. I’m looking forward to the Spring Edition. Getting to know church members and how God has moved in their lives is just one of my favorite sections. Each patch is well-written and together they cover all the areas of church life at SLPC. You have definitely accomplished your mission by weaving that common thread in Christ in our faith community and have honored God in every patch. Blessings—" -Jane Hicks


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