Transformation – Triplets!
~ Beth Pass

The exterior transformation of carrying triplets was pretty obvious. I think I was down to one maternity shirt that still fit as I waddled into the hospital at 36 weeks. When I look back at pictures of those final days of pregnancy, I still think, “Did that really happen?!”

(36 weeks on the inside and 36 weeks on the outside!)

The transformation of my heart and mind was certainly a little more subtle. There were so many fears and assumptions throughout pregnancy. And they didn’t stop once the triplets arrived. In fact, four years later they are still here! I find myself overwhelmed so often. But what remains consistent is the truth that God’s plan for my life is so much bigger and so much greater than my own plans. The continuing transforming of my mind is learning to remember -- and to trust -- that I belong to Him. Tanner belongs to Him. Jackson belongs to Him. Lennie belongs to Him. And Bryan, my husband, and Addie – the triplets’ big sister – are in His hands too!

Every single day, He shows His love and care for us in ways I never could have imagined. For example, we did not need to purchase diapers for the entire first YEAR with the triplets! The kindness and generosity of Springton Lake Church and friends who love our family never ceases to amaze Bryan and me.

I miss the days of rotating women from the church coming to our house to help me feed and hold the babies. I saw Christ’s love for me and my family through each individual that stopped by, or prepared a meal for us, or offered play dates for Addie. We also could count on someone to hold a triplet in the back pew of the church on Sunday mornings. I heard the Lord say time and time again, “I know you don’t know how to do this, but I do.”

Becoming more open and vulnerable to receive help has been an ongoing transformation for me. I always found myself on the giving side, and giving brought me so much joy. But, in this season, I have needed to learn to accept being on the receiving end. The people that have come into our lives so unexpectedly have been the greatest blessing to us, and we are so thankful for every one of them.

Adding triplets not only transformed every inch of the life we knew, it transformed everything we thought our life would look like in the future. Our assumptions turn out to be wrong so often, but the Lord is with us every single step providing help and support in ways we never imagined possible -- in ways we never even thought to ask for.


(This is real life!)

The Bible has countless stories of transformation -- some sudden and radical, some gradual with changes over a long period of time. I like to think we experienced/ are experiencing both. The short-term transformation of carrying triplets, and now the very long-term transformation of learning to fully rely on God as we face the unexpected every day.

(Jackson, Addison, Tanner, and Lennan Pass)


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