On December 11, the youth group finished off the year with a Christmas party in Fellowship Hall. Hot chocolate, cookies, and ugly Christmas sweaters made for a festive evening!

Led by Tyler Singer, the youth participated in a gingerbread house competition, with some interesting results. In their construction of the house, students had to incorporate a “secret ingredient” (a banana). After they were finished, they let their imaginations run wild and wrote short stories about their creations. We heard everything from an engagement party for Mr. and Mrs. Claus to the sad tale of how a house collapsed in an earthquake! In the end, everyone had a lot of fun and there were lots of prizes to go around.

At the party, the youth collected diapers and other baby items to donate to Amnion Pregnancy Center. Thank you to all the parents who made this happen!

There are lots of fun things planned for the youth in 2023, beginning with an ice skating event on January 6. On Sunday nights, we will be studying 1 John. Please continue to pray for our students as they grow in their walk with the Lord and one another!

Youth Party 1 Youth Party 2
Youth Party 3 Youth Party 4

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