May 01 2015
May 01 2015

How did you come to faith in Jesus Christ?

As a pre-teenager in a family of non-believers, I was moved by the presence of Christ as depicted in religious movies, art and music, but couldn't put my finger on what was happening to me, nor did I have the Biblical knowledge at that point to explain it.

Is there a particular person or event in your life that had a big impact on your faith?

A pastor at our former church introduced me to a two-year thematic Bible Study called "Kerygma."  I became fascinated as I discovered the many connections between the prophecies of the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament.

How did you find Springton Lake Presbyterian Church?

Our grandchildren attended Camp Treasure Island.  We went to the closing ceremony, and I was amazed at the number of friendly people who were involved and the huge number of children.  We had been looking for a new church with younger people.

Tell us about your family. Where did you grow up and have you lived in other places besides Pennsylvania?

I am a home town boy, having lived in Broomall my entire life, graduating from Marple-Newtown etc.  I met my wife, Bev, at Millersville State College as it was called then, and we lived there during our college years.  We have three grown children and five grandchildren.

What do you do for a living?

I am a retired Elementary School Principal, also having worked as a Supervisor of Student Teaching and as a Staff Development consultant with the Penn Graduate School of Education.

What do you do for fun?

We have a Summer home at the Jersey shore and most of my time spent there is entertaining the kids and grandkids who pile in on weekends.  I enjoy reading and biking.

How do you see the gifts God gave you at work in your vocation or ministry?

When I think of teaching, which is my primary vocation, it is with reverence, because I really feel it is an "art' and not necessarily something that can be learned by anyone.  Having observed in many classrooms, I can remember thinking to myself "this teacher really has it!"  I have come to believe after many years in the educational field that the intangible qualities I am speaking of are God-given.  When you connect with a student, you feel the presence of God.

What is one thing about you that most people would be surprised to know?

I was once on my way to being an accomplished singer, having received professional voice training while in high school.

What aspiration do you have for Springton Lake 10 years from now?

That the whole church community continues to grow and prosper, and that we find new and visible ways to minister to those in need, given the fact that we are geographically very affluent.

What book have you read that you think would be helpful to others?

The Men's Fellowship group at SLPC is currently reading and discussing Manhood Restored by Eric Mason.  It's a great read!!!


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