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Phil & Barb live in Southeast Asia.  Phil orchestrates partnerships between US churches and churches in Asian countries that have a desire to reach Muslim people for Christ. Barb has been developing a ministry to serve Rohingya refugees in Malaysia and Bangladesh.Everyone is invited to stay after coffee cafe for a presentation and update on their ministry. Lunch will be provided (of course!). If you intend to come, please let Dana Swieson know:

date & time

05/20/18 11:30am — 1:00pm

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date & time

05/20/18 11:30am — 1:00pm

Phil & Barb live in Southeast Asia.  Phil orchestrates partnerships between US churches and churches in Asian countries that have a desire to reach Muslim people for Christ. Barb has been developing a ministry to serve Rohingya refugees in Malaysia and Bangladesh.Everyone is invited to stay after coffee cafe for a presentation and update on their ministry. Lunch will be provided (of course!). If you intend to come, please let Dana Swieson know:

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