Spring Path
Our mission is to encourage, to bring hope, to unite our church body by weaving a common thread through our faith community in Christ—with our stories, prayers, and praises


As we are in the season of the “way to the cross” approaching Easter, I want to highlight my word of the year—joy. I’ve been able to view joy in the ways we usually think of joy—a birthday celebration, an A on a math quiz, a delicious meal. Lately, I have embraced joy with deeper insight, as I pondered the meaning of Psalm 16:11a: You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy. Jesus took the path of the cross so we are able to walk the path of life with Him. The great exchange—His life given for us…that we now have everlasting life with Him. What fullness of Joy: the Joy of walking with Jesus on life’s path.

Our prayer is that as you read the messages of our very own Springton Lake contributors, you will find joy—rejoice in Jesus. Be sure to watch and listen to In Christ Alone (below) to stir your heart to worship Him. Rejoice in Jesus and be blessed. Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Editor’s Note: Our “Common Threads” Team welcomes your comments and suggestions, and would like to hear from you. Please email: kwburling@gmail.com

"Common Threads" Newsletter Team: Kathryn Burling, Becki Marshall, Judith Lake, Ana Avila, Allison Frassoni, Rebecca Pennock, and Webmaster, Ben Orthey


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