Women’s Ministry
by Becki Marshall

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my role as Coordinator of Women’s Ministry is working alongside eager volunteers who enjoy using their natural and spiritual gifts to enrich the lives of others in our Bible studies, retreats, programs, and events.

However, there is another vital layer of women’s ministry which goes far beyond volunteering. It is a calling… a heart decision motivated by love and a desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by serving the needs of our congregation with compassion, mercy, and care. I am describing the role and charge by our Elders to our Deaconesses. According to our SLPC by-laws, the deaconess is called to “minister to those in need, the sick, the friendless, and any who are in distress.”  In particular, these ‘servant leaders’ are to minister in areas where it is more appropriate for women to serve than men.

How blessed we are at SLPC to have 8 faithful, experienced, and dedicated women to fulfill this calling an responsibility of Deaconess. Please take time this summer to pray for them by name and thank the Lord for their obedience to His calling.

“The one  who calls you is faithful…and He will do it.”
- 1 Thess. 5:24


Left to Right Top Row: Nancy McGuire, Freda Rawlings, Iris O’Connor, Cris Clark, Trudy Orthey

Bottom Row: Jenny Iott, Kathryn Burling, Jean Ruggieri.

Photo Highlights from the Senior Women’s Luncheon:

Program 1 Flowers and Cakes 2
Sue Bohn and Co 3 David Kim Talking 4 Becki and Co 5
Jane, Beth, Nancy 6 David Kim Playing 7 John Dixon 8


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