Hammock Rest For All Seasons
by Cris Clark

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress – I will not be shaken.”

(Psalm 62:5 & 6)

Summer is when most of us look forward to a time of rest.  We hope for some relief from our hectic schedules, and the promise of sun and fun with family and friends.  We often hope that a special trip or activity will refresh and restore us.  Our goal becomes doing something -- or going somewhere – and that this break will give us a new lease on life allowing us to get through the coming year until next summer.  If your vacations are like ours, you know that things do not always go as planned.  With little kids, there are always the unexpected illnesses or injuries that come along the way.  Frustration builds when no one wants to do the same thing at the same time, or the weather does not cooperate.  We end up feeling disappointed, and coming home needing a rest from our vacation!  But there is always the hope that next summer will be better if we just try harder.  Maybe we are looking for rest in all the wrong places!

God understands our need for rest.  “For whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from His.”  (Hebrews 4:10). God’s rest, however, is different from ours.  It is not the result of our efforts.  It does not depend on planning, money, specialized equipment, or good weather.  It is a rest that we enter into through belief in and obedience to God.  The Israelites looked forward to the rest that would come when they entered into the promised land.  They hoped that life over the Jordan would be easier.  What could go wrong in “the land of milk and honey”? (Or whatever is your favorite theme park?)  But the Israelites often forgot that the rest God offers can be found in Him alone. “My soul finds rest in God alone” (Psalm 62:1). The good news is that He has done all the preparation for a rest that is fully satisfying, totally restorative and eternal.  It is not a location, but a relationship with Jesus who did the work at the cross.  Jesus did it all, and the benefits begin here and now through the Spirit of God.  Today, we can exchange our heavy burdens for the yoke of Christ (Matt. 11:28).  Striving can cease, performance ratings can be put aside, and our hearts and minds can be renewed simply by entering into His rest!

Most of us will still pack our bags and gather up the family in search of that perfect summer experience.  Don’t think of this time as the way to survive the coming year.  Find your true rest in Jesus, and then set out on a wonderful adventure where bad weather, bad moods, and bumps along the way simply create memories to look back on and laugh about because the rest you truly need is already secure in God alone.


Editor’s Note:

Cris Clark Cristine “Cris” Clark has been on staff as a Christian Counselor at Springton Lake Presbyterian Church since 2000.  She is available for Christ-centered counseling to individuals and couples throughout Delaware County regardless of their affiliation with SLPC.  She is committed to absolute confidentiality with her clients, and specializes in depression, anxiety, individual and marital counseling. Thanks to the support of the church, Cris is able to offer a sliding scale fee structure to make counseling affordable. Her contact email is cristinemclark@verizon.net.

“I consider it essential that my clients enjoy a non-threatening and non-judgmental counseling environment.  I meet the person where they are in life with no agenda on my part.  We discuss what they want to discuss.  I welcome non-believers who want to explore issues of spirituality.”

Cris also serves as a deaconess, and she and her husband, Bill, are very active in teaching and facilitating Bible classes for adults.  We thank the Lord for Cris and the gifts He has given her to serve our church and community with excellence for many years.


common threads summer 2022