Adult Sunday School

In our non-stop multimedia world, all of us are constantly bombarded with truth and lies about how to live. Where do we discern the truth from error? The Bible contains the answers and studying its truths together is a crucial component of the Christian faith. This fall SLPC is offering four adult classes:

Old Testament -- Room 7 (Youth Wing)

Tim Sprik and George Daly will resume the study of 1 Samuel where Bill Clark left off in the spring. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the life of David and see how all of Scripture looks forward to the coming of Jesus, the King of kings.

Marriage & Parenting -- Conference Room

To open 2022, MAP will be studying Family Life’s Art of Parenting video series (check them out here) and workbook. Copies of the workbook will be available in class on Sunday ($12, if able). This class is a great opportunity to encourage each other as we sort through the challenges of God’s call to disciple our children.

Christian Worldview & Today’s Issues -- Sanctuary

Our first cultural issue topic for 2022 will be Sexuality. This will be a 6-week series taught by Pastor David White starting on January 9 that will lay the theological foundation of God's design for sexuality and then address some of the key sexual expressions of today that have resulted from the fall -- homosexuality, transgender issues, sex outside of marriage, pornography, etc. -- and what the Christian's response can and should be. These classes are recorded on video and archived on our Talks page, under Resources.

Middle School Sunday School -- We’ll be starting a new Bible study on The Life of Christ. From now until Easter, we’ll be learning about some of the most significant events in the life of Jesus and what they reveal about who He is.