For updated news on our groups and ministries, check out our community newsletter, Common Threads.

Discipleship Classes...

are held in our classrooms each Sunday at 9:00 AM, just before the 10:15 AM worship service. Doors remain open for anyone to join in any Sunday.


Weekly, Monthly and Annual Gatherings...

of the church family include complimentary meals provided throughout the year.  Stop in at our Coffee Cafe directly following the worship service each Sunday.  Bring a guest and enjoy a hot breakfast after worship on the last Sunday of each month of the school year (except December).  Sign up to attend our competitive Chili Cook-Off dinner in February, as a chef or just to sample the menu!  Attend an International Luncheon each March on Missions Sunday.  Enjoy food from the grill at our Church Picnic out back in June.  Enjoy doughnuts for a Saturday morning breakfast while lending a hand at our seasonal Building Care Day.


Men's and Women's Events...

gather the men of the church and the women of the church throughout the year.  These weekly, monthly,  annual and special events are posted on the MEN and WOMEN pages of the website.